Saturday, February 8, 2014

Poodle Tail

Poodle Tails have more uses than on the end of a fancy dog.  They're great on hats or in ray guns.  Also when you learn to do it fast, there is a bit of magic to the poof appearing from nowhere.

Pinch the uninflated portion of the balloon about 1 inch from the end.  With your hand pinch the tip of the balloon.  Pull sharply and release.  The stretching weakens the tip of the balloon.  This allows air to fill the tip, but not the rest of the uninflated part, forming your poodle.

Wrap one hand around the remaining inflated portion of your balloon.  Then put your other hand around the uninflated portion of the balloon, leaving the tip free.  Squeeze the inflated balloon forcing air into the tip.

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